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Solidaritätscamp: Oliven pflücken, bauen, sich weiterbilden, 21.10. – 31.10. 2018

Hier der Bericht zum Camp:  Ein weiterer Bericht auf englisch unter:

1. Bau eines Community-Centers im Jordantal für 15 Dorfgemeimschaften, die von Vertreibung bedroht sind (3 Tage)
2. Olivenernte mit Rabbi Arik Aschermann (Gründer der Menschenrechtsorganisation Torat Tzedek, füher ‚Rabbis for Human Rights‘) (3 Tage)
3. Vier Tage Bethlehem. Ausflüge nach Jerusalem, Hebron, den Negev, Jaffa und Tel Aviv, um palästinensische und israelische Aktivisten/Organisationen kennenzulernen.
Kosten: 1060 Euro (ohne Flug). Bei Bedarf gibt es eine Ermäßigung: Anfragen dazu unter
Die Umgangssprache ist englisch.

Olive Picking and Study Camp

Join with Palestinians and Israelis in a powerful act of non-violent political resistance — building in Palestinian communities.
Learn about Palestine/Israel and its issues through an extensive educational programme of field trips throughout the country and meetings with activists from both communities.
Strengthen your involvement in the global movement for peace in the Middle East by learning about the issues and how to advocate for justice.

Build an ecological community centre with mud bricks in the Jordan Valley with the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign that will benefit 15 small communities struggling to remain in their homes. Stay in the Jordan Valley for three days and encounter the severe living conditions of the local herding families. Gain insight to the issues of demolition and displacement.

Harvest olives in a village in the West Bank led by Rabbi Arik Ascherman from Torat Tzedek. Participants will live with Palestinian families from the village for three days to learn more about their struggles to remain in their homes and gain access to their land. Experience the joy of the olive harvest.

Learn about additional issues as participants transfer to a small hotel in Bethlehem for four nights. Our programme of field trips will explore other locations in the Occupied Palestine Territory and Israel such as Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem, the Negev, Jaffa and Tel Aviv. Meet will critical Israelis and receive understanding about the elements required for a just and sustainable solution. Strengthen your involvement in the global movement for peace in the Middle East and explore ideas on how to advocate for equality and justice for all.

The fee
of $1300 (approximately £930 and Euros 1060) covers all programme expenses: food, accommodation, field trips, educational materials and travel. Not included are flight tickets, travel to and from Jerusalem, spending money during free time. Participants are responsible for their insurance cover. Registration is open through 15th August and the final payment due 15th September 2018. Participants are encouraged to participate in the fund-raising campaign to buy bricks for the community centre.

ICAHD has extensive experience in running rebuilding camps for internationals and Rabbi Arik Ascherman has hosted visitors from around the world in acts of solidarity with the Palestinians. Participants from the age of 18 are invited to join and all should be physically fit. An application form must be completed, and references will be taken.

Email for application

Who are we?

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) is an Israeli peace and human rights organisation founded in 1997 to end the Israeli occupation and advocate for a just peace in Palestine/Israel. Its focus for mobilisation is Israel’s policy of demolishing Palestinian homes (more than 50,000 in the Occupied Territory since 1967, added to the 52,000 demolitions within Israel since its founding in1948), and it has rebuilt 189 homes as political acts of non-violent resistance. ICAHD “translates” the facts on the ground into effective advocacy tools: critical analysis conveyed through articles, pamphlets, books, maps, presentations, films and social media.

Torat Tzedek, founded by Rabbi Arik Ascherman, former Director of Rabbis for Human Rights, is a new Israeli multi-issue human rights organization that bases itself both on international law and the Jewish tradition. It believes that protecting human rights and taking concrete action to further these goals is a human and religious obligation in general, and specifically a Jewish religious obligation. On principle Torat Tzedek works for the human rights of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, Israeli Jews, Israeli Palestinians, African asylum seekers, etc.

Is it safe?

You will be living in an area of conflict and engaging in activities to resist the Israeli Occupation. The Israeli authorities could disrupt our building activities, though we will not confront them. We will be guests of the local communities, and over the past 15 years of rebuilding camps facilitated by ICAHD, no one has ever been injured or arrested.

What about insurance

You will need to take out private travel insurance. This expense is not covered by the camp.

Do I need a visa to travel to Israel/Palestine?

Access to the Palestinian territories is controlled by Israel. Citizens from Western countries do not need visas to enter Israel, but your passport does have to be valid for 6 months from the last day of the trip.

How fit do I have to be?

People from the ages of 18 to 82 have participated in ICAHD camps. There are no specific requirements and you can work as hard as you choose. The travel and living conditions can be basic. You’ll have to fill out a form letting us know if you have any medical, physical or psychological conditions that might affect you or others in the course of the camp.

Is there a cancellation policy?

All funds paid to ICAHD will be put towards the rebuilding, whether you decide to attend the camp or not. If the camp is cancelled (an unlikely event), you will be fully reimbursed.

How do I apply?

Write to for an application form.

If you cannot attend but would like to support our work, please help fund a participant or donate by buying bricks for the construction of the community centre in the Jordan Valley. See the October 2018 camp section at and press the donate button.

See you in October!